Friday, July 27, 2012

Money isn't everything.

What is it you say?  I'll tell you.

I've decided I'm going to probably live in my run down log cabin for a few years.  Maybe it won't be so run down when I'm ready to move.  I've made some improvements and lots of plans for more.

In anticipation of sweeping the dust and creosote down the chimney with my wire brush attached to at least  four fiberglass rods, I decided to make it easier.  The roof is a 45 degree pitch on both sides, of the peak and the chimney is right on the end.  I can get up to the chimney easy enough with a ladder laid down on the roof .  The challenge is getting up to the top of the chimney.  For the last four years, I climbed up the rocks and somehow sit on top of the chimney and then sweep it down.  I inevitably scrape the bejesus out of my arms and legs on the mortar.  NOT THIS YEAR.  I'll build this little table, carry it up there, maybe even tie it up there permanently, so I can stand on it.

The responses I got from my friends on facebook were less than encouraging.  Almost all said to hire a real chimney sweep.  Only one of my friends  thinks like me and offered to bring the video camera so we could win some money on America's Funniest Videos.  And one friend even claimed the benefits of hiring a real chimney sweep.  Armed with a camera, they could video the inside of my chimney, and if there are problems, I can then pay a professional to install a stainless steel flue, and insulate for a gazillion bucks.   

It dawned on me, I live in a very different world than most of my friends.  For one thing, suggesting I pay someone to do something I can do is in my mind absurd.  I can do a lot of things, and with help, who knows.  My buddy Vance can do everything, as well as a few other shop teacher buddies.  I don't ask for help but when they offer, I jump on it.

I keep an eye out for a bargain or even free stuff that can be fixed. Right now on my porch, I have a door to install, and in the shed, a bathroom cabinet and a roll of linoleum.  That will go in upstairs as soon as I finish the downstairs bath.  Need to position the tub, install a sink, run some plumbing, and oh yeah, put up some sheetrock.  I fix things I don't know how to fix even.  I've fixed my washer, a couple of dryers, built sheds, fix lawn mowers, cook and bake some, make peach jam, cut grass.  While I'm not afraid to replace brake rotors and pads, and even changed out a caliper lately, I stay away from drum brakes.  I just don't like them.I'll change the oil of course...doesn't everyone?  I've got some maintenance coming up on the scooter soon, which will also be a new experience.

Do I like doing all these things?  Hell no.  If I had the money, I'd pay someone to do it, just like all my friends suggest.  Like so many others these days, both single and couples, I'm living paycheck to paycheck.  Yep, the guy that used to sell insurance and mutual funds, never followed my own advice.  I had a friend ask me incredulously "Why don't you have any money?"  You are a school teacher.  Don't you save money? My response was "I never have enough left over at the end of the month to set aside."  I am luckier than many though.  At the moment, I have a regular paycheck, and when need be, I hire myself out as a handyman.

I never went into teaching to make money.  In NC, one of the lowest paying in the country, and where we have not seen a raise in 3 years, and with 21 years of experience and a Master's Degree, I still make less than $50k a year.  I'm not complaining.  Just stating the facts.

Two can live cheaper than one but being ornery I guess, I've been single most of my adult life.  The only time I lived with a woman and shared expenses and incomes was my ten years of marriage.  Without going into details, it is not something I've wanted to try again.

My daughter came to live with me full time at age eleven.  Again, I didn't save.  The extra cash went to helping a teenager do teen age things (like get braces), and I eeked out some fun to at times with short trips to NYC or DC or Cleveland.  Lately, my daughter has needed some extra help with transportation and getting into an apartment.  I gladly support her and share what little I have knowing that some day, after she finishes school and gets a good job, I'll be able to catch up on credit card bills.And she can support me in the lifestyle I've grown accustomed to.

So back to the original advise about hiring someone to sweep my chimney?  I've invested in chimney sweeping tools years ago.  I'm pretty darn healthy, strong, agile and pretty safe.  I spent a few weeks crawling all over the roof nailing down shingles last summer so being up there doesn't phase me.  As for hiring an expert to tell me I need to have work done on the chimney.  I already know that.  The firemen told me it should be brought up to code.  Don't you love that word..."should"?  Wouldn't be able to pay to fix it anyway.  And besides, I have home owners insurance.  A nice 3 bedroom, two bath modular in place of this log cabin would be the best thing that ever happened to me.

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