Thursday, November 24, 2011

Honeydo listserve idea

Help me think this one through.  I'm thinking of starting another yahoo group or maybe a google group but this time it is to match people up who need something done but don't know who to call, or at least want to make it available to maybe a high school kid, or unemployed person looking to do a little work.  I might call it something like "Watauga HoneyDoers".  I don't really trust something like Craigslist for something like this...I would want this to be more local, or community oriented.

Recently,  I wanted to hire someone to locate and dig the hole to access my septic tank.  The septic company wants $100...well heck, there has to be someone willing to do it for less than that, some strong college kid, high school kid, etc.  But how do you find them? 

A friend tells me about the Job Board at ASU for students looking to do odd jobs.  I posted it, and got one response so far, but the kid charges $15/hour...a little more than I wanted to spend.  I offered $12. but why should college kids be the only ones getting in on the all the work?

So I'm wondering about creating a list.  Folks that are available to do side jobs, be it catering, construction, repairs of any sort could be on the list, and then homeowners and such could send an email to the group saying something like "Looking for one or two people to clean up the yard, rake leaves, dig up flower beds.  Willing to pay $10/hour plus a little for gas.  Cash.  Must be done on weekend so I can supervise."  They send the email and wait for the response, which might come from any number of folks.  Each responder might want to share references, experience, or negotiate a different price even. 

I've got a buddy who is very skilled at repairing and replacing well pumps.  Had I known, I would have called him and paid him instead of the local well people that did a great job, but for $700, they should have.  Wonder what my buddy would have charged. 


  1. Richard I think it is a good idea. However, I think you are trying to get things done too cheap. In 2006 the last time I have information for a livable wage in Watauga County was $12.77. And that was before the latest round of gas price increases. Although cash, unreported, is worth more since there are no taxes taken out that is a slippery slope for a published online forum since IRS is looking all the time for people who are receiving unreported income. For someone who is trying to make a living doing odd jobs $15.00 is a bare minimum, if it is someone adding to steady income it might work out just fine.

  2. Judi, goog point. In fact, I charge $20 or more for my odd jobs but then I'm usually doing something more complicated or physical or using my specialty tools to accomplish a task. Sometimes I trade though or barter for another service. I'd have a hard time justifying paying a high school kid that needs supervision and instruction much more than $10, but someone that knows what they are doing, comes prepared with their own tools, certainly more.
    Still pondering the best way to create group or yahoo group?

  3. I like the name Honeydo sort of like Honeydo melon. A name with Watauga in it might inadvertently limit the boundaries of your bus. What would you charge for supervision services?

  4. I think it's a great idea, but agree with Judy that getting the job done for less money should not be the PRIMARY impetus for the service. On the other hand, I think it's OK to pay less than $15 an hour for certain work. This needs to be evaluated on a job-by-job basis. I don't have any suggestions for how to do it -- not at all tech savvy (have not even figured out how to get onto the UU group...)

  5. There is a group called Helping Hands, part of the Freedom Farms Ministries in Vilas. Here is the web page:
    I bought firewood from Randy in that organization and he was telling me that you can hire fellas to do odd jobs at your house. I like to support groups like that because I have a daughter with addiction problems.

  6. All good comments. Interesting that a living wage requires close to $13...and I believe it, especially for someone living independently, with bills, or even dependents. My daughter works at Staples and probably makes $8/hr. but then she has no bills other than car insurance.
    Mostly, I'm looking for a way for folks to network, find people that can do the work, need the work, and everyone benefits. If I can pay my next door neighbor's kid to rake the leaves, all the better. Some things require more expertise, and certainly deserive a higher rate of pay.
    One other thought, this group might be a source of referrals. Sort of like a local Angie's List. My friend Karen responded with a referral for a company for septic pumping and is going to send names of a couple of college kids for more manual labor.
    Another feature of the groups, is folders for people to put their info in, such as pictures, resume's, qualifications, etc.
    I really don't know where this will go. I've never heard of anyone else doing anything similar. It might be all for naught. but then, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  7. Great idea! I list and sell real estate, and would love to have a reliable handy-person list for cleaning services, yardwork, and odd jobs for clients who have or have just purchased a home in the Ashe, Wilkes, Watauga, and Avery areas. Too often, contractors are just too busy to give an estimate or take on small jobs, and it would be helpful to have a list of trustworthy local people to call. It would be great to have some way to give a designation if the person can be called for emergencies, too.
    Maybe add a way to give feedback (a rating system) after the job was completed?

  8. Just want to comment some thoughts on the septic tank search. Summer '10 I hired someone out of Wilkesboro that was recommended by a friend. They poked around in the field looking for the tank for almost two hrs, and one of the workers got lost in our garage looking for heaven knows what- a wine closet or lock box neither of which we have. I finally got him out and shut the garage door. I paid them their hourly and it came to $32 just to get rid of them because they did not know what they were doing. I did learn from them what needed to be done, an electronic egg thrown down the toilet traced the septic outlet to locate it so that a backhoe could come in and put on an extension tube, cap it, and clean out the septic. That cost me over $300, but the outfit knew what it was doing. I had wished my friend asked me something like, what work do you need them to do and perhaps I would have saved the initial hassle of the clueless pair from Wilksboro who did not have the equipment to do what needed being done.
